Speed Dealer Moms — April Two 11 (Official Music Video)
6.3 minutes | sound
Music: Speed Dealer Moms (Venetian Snares, John Frusciante, Chris McDonald)
Video: Laskfar Vortok
Featuring: LADY BAMBS
Released by Evar Records
The recollection of a single day is passed over in succession; the day re-lives itself endlessly. This is achieved through original footage of Vienna speekfreakdom and Hong Kong proliferating aggravations, meanwhile as the archetypes rattle the tin can of reality’s veneer, through which urgent visual transfusions seep into the eye, and spread out to glut the receiving human body with an addictive substance which is not blood, not morphine, but comes sharply razored with deadly images: a compulsive matter that remains lodged in the retina, corrosively burning away and impossible to retract.